Otsisin Amazonist mingit Tai raamatut ja viskas ette ühe pensionile läinud expati teose. Kuna selle pealkiri oli täpselt see, mida ma viimased päevad mõelnud olen, siis toon siinkohal välja tutvustava lõigu. Ei pea vist lisama, et minu mõtted rändasid sama rada...ma võrdlen Taid Costa Ricaga pidevalt ja üldjuhul jääb Costa Rica peale..no scootri rendihinnad ja võimalused on Tais paremad aga hoolimata mõnedest lahedatest randadest ja kohtadest ( ok ma ei ole veel näinud väga palju seda maad) jääb mulje, et see maa on turismist kurnatud, seda on lihtsalt liiga palju! Aga ma ei kutsu kedagi üles kesk-ameerikat väisama, las see jääb selliseks nagu ta on;)
siin nüüd lõik raamatust:
In the last decade or so, Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand, Cambodia, the Philippines, and others have established themselves as retirement spots for various people. Some of those include western retirees, digital nomads and individual business owners who chose to leave the rat race in their home country and enjoy life in a hemisphere where it's supposed to be cheap, safe, fun and warm. It’s a place to be surrounded by welcoming people and it worked for most of us, but the world is changing constantly. The hotspots of yesterday are not so hot anymore; what used to be good and enjoyable has often become a nuisance and burden. I, myself, used to be an expat in Thailand, it’s a different ball game over there, but I have come to certain conclusions which I would like to share with you, the reader. Truth is, I prefer not being the last passenger on a sinking ship, and fortunately, I rediscovered an old corner of the new world. I found a whole region suitable for retirement, an entertaining lifestyle and a rather good business environment. It’s a region that I feel almost obligated to tell the world about, especially for those who are considering to become an expat. There is a better choice than Asia. I am talking about Central America; particularly, Panama, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Guatemala
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